Journey of Grace and Growth

Lessons of Faith and Resilience

There are lessons I have gathered along the way, diligently taking with me the full assurance of what serves the journey well. Furthermore, it grants wisdom in releasing the emotional weight that is too heavy to carry.

The promises that my Faith cannot fail; even when my back is against the wall, I will Stand Tall!

I shall remember that Grace comes before greatness, and greatness comes through the painful usefulness of the lessons we gather along the way.

Pausing in the moments of daily life helps me reflect on the many blessings I have experienced each day. As I move forward, I’ve met many who do not grasp the concepts of seasons and letting go of yesterday. They miss today's blessing as they focus on yesterday; as I listen, I encourage them to meditate and live for today.

Empathy for others has become the standard, without judgment, as I have only walked in my shores, still learning not to carry yesterday's weights. The lessons of this weight have given me the resilience, power, and grace to live fully in today. I do not attempt to walk in the shoes of others, as I can’t possibly grasp their emotional pain. I’ve learned to listen well, speak less, and that criticizing others’ shoes is not the way.

I tell you this: “Let us not be weary in well-doing; for in due season we shall reap,” if we faint not. Consider you will reap kindness, love, and compassion if that is what your actions display along the way.

Stand Tall, Study, Strengthen your Posture in your Faith, be unyielding, nonjudgemental, and be not weary in well doing, faint not…Enduring until the end…

Thank you for meeting me here! 🩵

And I Am Grateful.

Anna Laura

#2Corinthians #Hebrews #Galatians #Sunday #Faith #Nuggets #Endurance #Grace #SundaySchool #AMBC

#alwcoaching #annalaura #msanna #coachanna


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