Evolving Emotions Perinatal, Maternal, Paternal Journey

The time before, during, and after the birth of your baby is full of changes. You have time to prepare for some changes, and some may be unforeseen. Changes in your body, changes in your mind, changes in your family, changes within your relationships. Even changes in your schedule and priorities may change.

Some changes feel like progress, while others may feel like loss and grief. You may be excited and hopeful in your journey and feel sad, lost, isolated, or unsure. These changes of mixed emotions defined as grief are both expected and natural.

Let's consider that loss and grief are normal and innate responses to significant emotional changes. We are often not taught to view our considerable emotional experiences this way. As a result, we experience tremendous emotional pain and usually have no reliable source to verbalize and have our grief validated as a normal and natural part of the maternal journey.

Consider acknowledging the duality you feel. You may be both excited and scared about becoming a parent. You may feel an immeasurable amount of love for your baby and an immeasurable need for a nap. Be gentle and graceful with your changes, and give yourself extra time and love.

While we frequently associate these changes with Moms, Fathers are not exempt and impacted by the changes happening with Mom. The roller coaster of emotions is part of the perinatal, paternal, and maternal journey and affects all family members.

Pay attention to your emotions; finding a safe person and space to voice your emotional pain (grief) is a critical step for the overall emotional well-being of Mom, Baby, and Father.

Thank you for meeting me here!

Anna Laura💙

#flmmhc #flmomsmatter


Developing Emotional Resilience


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