Name It!

Transformation Begins When We No Longer Accept What We See In Ourselves and Begin to Own Our Behavior Without Excuses.

Are you owing and naming the thing? We must name it to heal from it.

Have you ever heard this “Sweep off your own front porch, before you sweep someone else’s.”

And this!

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3-5

When I begin to own my good, bad, and ugly behaviors transformation begins. No change will occur without these three things, self-examination, self-responsibilities, and doing the hard work.

Here are a few reasons why.

Consider negativity comes naturally for many especially if your environment is hostile. We often repeat what we see in our dominant environment. As humans the natural tendency is to look at the faults of others. Chances are what we criticize in others is what we need to work on in ourselves. At least that’s my story!

Additionally, I was unable to name it and didn't understand the emotional pain (grief), and as a result, the why became elusive or difficult to identify. Simply put I was STUCK!

What came next?

I examined my inner thoughts and named the thing - that thing that caused me emotional pain (grief).

I faced and owned my shortcomings, difficult but necessary. I became UNSTUCK!

I worked (ongoing) on my transformation - No deflecting, just name the thing calling myself out, otherwise, I'm wasting time and I have less time to waste at this age.

Lastly, I remove myself from people, places, and things that do not reflect the chosen path for me. This is for the good of both parties, no more pretending.

What happened next?

Gained greater insight into my grief journey, my why, and my purpose.

Examine and identify emotional pain (grief) as necessary for human growth.

Discovered and gained more from life's journey, more joy, peace, and happiness.

Grief is a normal and natural response to significant loss of any kind and part of life’s journey.

Thank you for joining me here!

Anna Laura💙

#lifecoach #griefcoach #griefspecialist #griefeducation #unlearnandrelearn #grief #loss #life #journey #joy #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalhealth #holdingspace #mystillness #transformation


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