Spirit of Gratitude

Spirit of Gratitude.
It doesn’t matter what it looks like on the surface there is no perfect life. And I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this journey, grateful for every valley and hilltop experience, for protection over my beloved family.

To serve others as a Life Coach and Grief Specialist providing grief education from an evidence-based platform.

To share the gift of wisdom and knowledge on a topic that impacts 100% of all humans.

To normalize the conversations about loss and grief as a natural part of life’s journey.

To be a messenger in challenging myths that keep humans stuck in the generational cycles of loss, grief, and grieving.

For the opening and softening of hearts and new perspectives.

To travel and share through pictures, and words of what’s possible as loss and grief contain growth and new life.

To sit with me (which is hard), leaving the old behind and shifting perspectives to new possibilities!

I am grateful, what are you thankful for?

Thank you for meeting me here in this space!
In the Spirit of gratitude,

Anna Laura 💙
#gratitude #menatlhealth #mentalwellness #selfcare #selfawareness #live #life #full #lifecoach #griefspecialist #gratitude #grateful


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